Texts: Discrete
and its Applications, Rosen, McGraw Hill, 8th edition.
Anthony J. Matrices and Transformations. New York: Dover, 1978.
Assignments: Homework
assignments are worth 40% of your grade. You may do
these with a partner, and one grade will be given to both people
in the group. Read our department's academic integrity
guidelines before you hand in any written work.
Grading: Your grade is 25% quizzes, 40% homework, and 35% exam. You can guarantee an A- or better with 90%, a B- or better with 80% etc. I may curve these numbers in your favor, if I feel it is warranted.
Goals: To understand the mathematics that underlies computer science, and to appreciate where it is used. Last semester concentrated on functions, number theory, recurrence equations, recursion, combinatorics, and their applications. This semester concentrates on sets, graphs, Boolean algebra, linear algebra, and their applications.
Special Dates:
Wed. April
24 and Mon. April 29 are Passover and I will not be in
class. The TA will do lectures
in my place or we will have an in-class quiz. I will
announce for sure as we get close to the date.
My Class
Notes for matrix algebra will help you if you miss any
1 (Due Friday, Feb. 9) |
Assignment_2 (Due Friday, March 1, before Spring break ) |
3 (Due Wednesday, March 27, before Easter break) |
4 (Due Friday, April 19) |
5 (Due Last Day of Class) |
Week | Topics | Reading |
1-2 | Set
Theory - Inclusion/Exclusion Theorem. Set Algebra: Associative, Distributive, and De Morgan's Laws. Applications of sets: Bit Operations in Java, Union-Find data structure, functions, 1-1 correspondence, and Countability - Diagonalization. and applications to Computability and Undecidability. |
Rosen: 2.1 - 2.5, 8.5 |
3-4 |
Algebra. Truth tables. Applications to Propositional
and First Order Logic - Predicates, Quantifiers,
Formal proofs of Set Theorems Applications to automatic theorem proving, and Resolution. Prolog and AI. EightQueens-PrologExample |
Rosen: 1.1 - 1.5 |
5-6 |
- NP-Complete Theory and Reductions, Satisfiability, 3SAT
and 2SAT, operators, completeness, normal forms, identities. Karnaugh maps, applications to circuits. |
Rosen: 12.1 - 12.4 |
7 |
Linear Algebra -
Introduction. Matrices, addition, multiplication, and
motivation. Associative, distributive laws. |
2.6, Pettofrezzo: 1.1-1.4 |
8 |
LA - Theory of Solving Equations, Gaussian elimination, Diagonal and triangular matrices. | Petto: 2.5. |
9 |
LA - Inverses and Gauss/Jordan elimination, linear independence, bases. | Petto: 2.2, 2.4 |
10 |
LA -
Determinants for n
by n matrices,
properties of determinants and the relationship to
inverses. Transpose and theorems. |
Petto: 2.1 |
11 |
LA - Geometric interpretations, and linear transformations. Applications: Computer graphics. | Petto: 3.1-3.5 |
12 | LA - Eigenvalues
and Eigenvectors, Diagonalizing a Matrix, Similar Matrices.
The Hamilton-Caley Theorem and calculating powers of a matrix. |
Petto: 4.1-4.5 |
13 | LA - Applications - Linear Regression, Least Squares, Curve Fitting. Cryptography and Matrix Ciphers. | Class Notes |
14 | LA - Applications - Web Searching, Probablility and Markov Chains. | Class Notes |
15 | LA - More Applications if time allows - More Web Mining, Warps and Morphs and More Computer Graphics. | Class Notes |