11 Bradford
Dept. of Computer
Sharon, MA 02067
Stonehill College, Easton, MA 02357
(781) 784-1992
(508) 565-1008
Graduate School of Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
Ph.D. in Computer Science, August 1986
Study funded by Royal E. Cabell Fellowship
M.S. in Computer Science, June 1982
Honorable Mention in 1980-1981 NSF Student Fellowship Competition
Columbia College of Columbia University, New York, NY
B.A. in Mathematics, May 1979
Van Am Mathematics Prize
Computer Science Department, Stonehill College, North Easton, MA
Full Professor, 2000 – present (Acting Chair 2005, 2012)
Associate Professor, 1994 – 1999
Assistant Professor, 1991 – 1993
Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Chicago, IL
Visiting Full Professor, 2013 – 2014
Assistant Professor, EECS Department, 1986 – 1990Visiting Scholar, Mathematics, 2013 – 2014, (Funded by a Shay grant and Stonehill College)
Computer Science Teacher, 1983 – 1985Neumont University, South Jordan, UT
Adjunct Professor, Computer Science Department, Summer 2012
ArsDigita University, Cambridge, MA
Full Professor and Director, 2000 – 2001
South Area Solomon Schechter, Middle School, Stoughton, MA
Advanced Mathematics Program and Math Team Coach, 1999 – 2007
Mathematics Department, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
Visiting Professor, 1998 – 1999
EECS Department, Northwestern University
Lecturer, 1983 – 1985
Computer Science Department, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
Visiting lecturer, 1982 – 1983
Refereed Journals
Conference Papers and Papers Read
- Java Programming - From the Ground Up, with Ralph Bravaco, McGraw Hill, (February 2009).
- Rediscovering Mathematics, MAA, (March 2011).
- The ACL Guidebook - A Patient's Point of View, (November 2019).
- Looking for Math in All the Wrong Places - Math in Real Life, American Mathematical Society, (2022)
Other Publications
Unpublished Manuscripts
Books in Preparation
Online Videos
Pioneer online lectures on discrete mathematics, theory of computation, and algorithms, with over 1,000,000 views worldwide. These highly acclaimed lectures reach thousands of struggling students in developing nations, as well as professionals and student in Europe and North America.
National Science Foundation
- National Science Foundation Research Initiation Grant, Communication Costs in Hypercube Multiprocessors, 1987-1989, $60,000.
- National Science Foundation NSFNET Program, with Ray Pepin, Internet Connection for Stonehill College, 1992-1995, $32,000.
- National Science Foundation ILI Program, A Graphics Based Algorithm Analysis Laboratory,1994-1996, $30,000.
- National Science Foundation Teacher Enhancement Program, Integrating Object-Oriented Programming into the High School Curriculum, with Ralph Bravaco, 1998-2000, $98,000.
- National Science Foundation Science and Technology Studies, A Critical Edition of Levi ben Gershon's Maaseh Hoshev, 1999-2001, $75,000.
- National Science Foundation, Java Workshop for Secondary School Teachers, with Ralph Bravaco, 2003-2005, $167,000.
Teaching Awards
Undergraduate Mathematics
Calculus I, Calculus II, Techniques of Calculus, Discrete Mathematics, Graph Theory, History of Mathematical Ingenuity, Mathematics for Educators.Undergraduate Computer Science
- Program Committee 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2021)
- SIGCSE Committee on the Implementation of a Discrete Mathematics Course, 2003.
- Listed in American Men and Woman of Science, 2002 - present.
- ACM 2001 Curriculum Task Force for Foundations of Computer Science, 1999-present.
- MAA Mathfest Program Committee, Summer 1999.
- Founder and Faculty Advisor of the Stonehill College Chess Club, 1996-present.
- Faculty Advisor for the Stonehill College Student Chapter of the ACM, 1991-present.
- Reviewer for: Jones and Bartlett, PWS-Kent, Prentice Hall, McGraw Hill, CRC Press, Princeton University Press, National Science Foundation, Israel Science Foundation, and Oxford University Press, 1986-present.
- Referee for: Historia Mathematica, IEEE Trans. on Software Eng., IEEE Trans. on Computing, IEEE Software, Theoretical Computer Science, Kluwer Academic Publishing, Compsac, American Mathematical Monthly, Adv. Appl. Math, Convergence, Cultures of Mathematics and Logic, Rose-Hulman Undergraduate Math Journal, 1986-present.
- Founder and Faculty Advisor of the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) Go Club, 1986 - 1990.
- Chaired the UIC Computer Science Forum - A Weekly Research Seminar, 1986 - 1990.
- Chair, Committee to Revise the Undergraduate Computer Science Curriculum at UIC, 1989.
- Faculty Mentor for the UIC Student Research Opportunity Program, 1988.
- Member Mathematical Association of America (MAA), 1986 - present.
- Member Association of Computing Machines (ACM), 1983 - present.
- Merit Committee (3 years)
- Intercultural Affairs Committee (6 years)
- Academic Standing Committee (2 years)
- Goldwater Fellowship Committee (3 years)
- Small Grants Committee (4 years)
- Catholic Jewish Dialogue Program
- Ad-hoc Computer Assessment Committee (1 year)
- Honors Program Committee (2 years)
- Rank and Tenure Committee (7 years)
- Faculty Mentor (2 years)
- Community Associate for Residence Halls (1 year)
- Strategic Planning Committee (1 year)
- Faculty Adviser - Stonehill Chapter of the ACM (25+ years)
- Faculty Adviser - Chess and Go Club (25+ years)
- Faculty Adviser - Women in STEM (2020 - present)
- Engineering Curriculum Steering Committee (2021)