And my newest book: Looking
for Math in All the Wrong Places
Rediscovering Mathematics:
You Do the Math
Rediscovering Mathematics is aimed at a general
audience and addresses the question of how best to teach and
study mathematics. The book brings the exciting and
dynamic world of mathematics to a non-technical audience.
With so much focus today on how best to educate the new
generation and make mathematics less rote and more interactive,
this book is an eye-opening experience for many people who
suffered with dull math teachers and curricula.
Rediscovering Mathematics is an eclectic collection of mathematical topics and puzzles aimed at talented youngsters and inquisitive adults who want to expand their view of mathematics. By focusing on problem solving, and discouraging rote memorization, the book shows how to learn and teach mathematics through investigation, experimentation, and discovery. Rediscovering Mathematics is also an excellent text for training math teachers at all levels.
Topics range in difficulty and cover a wide range of historical periods, with some examples demonstrating how to uncover mathematics in everyday life, including:
- number theory and its application to communication over the Internet,
- the algebraic and combinatorial work of a medieval mathematician Rabbi,
- and applications of probability to sports, casinos, and gambling.
Rediscovering Mathematics provides a fresh view of mathematics for those who already like the subject, and offers a second chance for those who think they don’t.
The book is used in Mathematical Reasoning for Education at Stonehill College.
Look inside at the table of contents.
Publicity: Patriot Ledger Jewish Advocate Stonehill College
University of Illinois Pi Day 2015
Reviews: CutTheKnot MathMama Goodreads MathTeacher
Blogs: Magdalena SplineGuy CodingQuark
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© Shai Simonson 2011