Stonehill College
320 Washington Street
North Easton, MA 02357
John von Neumann
1903 - 1957
Computer Engineering
B.A./B.S. - A Cooperative
Program With
The University of Notre Dame
College and The
University of Notre Dame offer a
combination five year B.A./B.S. program in
computer science and Computer Engineering.
Students enrolled in the program spend
three years at Stonehill College and two
years at The University of Notre Dame.
Those who complete the program will
receive two degrees: A Bachelor of Arts
degree in computer science from Stonehill
College and a Bachelor of Science degree
in Computer Engineering from The
University of Notre Dame. The combination
A.B./B.S. program ensures that students
will graduate with both a strong liberal
arts background and the requisite
knowledge for a career in the computer
Click on the course number for a
Year One
CSC 103 Computer
CSC 104
Computer Science II
MTH 125 Calculus I
MTH 126 Calculus II
PHY 121 Physics I
PHY 122 Physics II
Year Two
CSC 201
Discrete Mathematics I
CSC 211 Data
CSC 221
Computer Logic
and Organization*
MA 261 Multivariable Calculus
be taken in 3rd year
Year Three
264 Linear Algebra and
Differential Equations
113 General Chemistry I
Five additional upper level
computer science
courses chosen in
consultation with the Director
of the Engineering
Four and Five
At The University
of Notre Dame. Read
more about
computer engineering at Notre