Report #7 - April 1999 - Yishuv Alon, Israel
Greetings friends - Here is the monthly report from Israel. It is
a mix of
personal impressions from our experiences here. Please feel free
to send your
comments, critiques and suggestions. Feel free to forward these
reports, and
equally free to ask that I remove you from our list.
In contrast to the steady work of February, March was mostly
holiday and excursions. The
kids were off from school for 2.5 weeks for Passover, and we took
the opportunity to see
some more of the country and visit with friends and relatives.
News and Current Events
There is little news of interest -- The campaign for the prime
minister election has
settled into a boring collection of talkshows and billboards.
Miss Israel was crowned last month and she is a beautiful young
Arab woman. This was
controversial in some circles - but generally went by unnoticed.
A former member of Knesset of a right wing religious party was
formally convicted of
various misuse of funds, after which he was "declared" innocent by
a fairly
powerful Rabbi in the party. The talk shows had a field day with
this bizarre story. I
watched interviews with both the convicted guy and the son of this
old Rabbi, who himself
is a Rabbi. It was very entertaining. The young Rabbi was very
articulate and respectful
of his father. The convicted fellow was contrite but charismatic.
We have no TV at home, but since we were on the road so much this
month, I had more access
to TV. It was a good chance to see more of what the coverage is
The Kids
Zosh has continued to improve his Hebrew, but has still a long way
to go. He easily gets
along on the playground, but can't really get all of a story read
aloud to him.
He has started collecting soccer cards in an album like the other
boys, and he kicks a
ball along the street now and then.
His school took him to bake Matzot in honor of Passover, and his
class joined the 6th
grade for a model Seder, which parents attended. The 6th grade is
like the 1st grade's
sister class. Each child in the first grade has a child in the 6th
grade who acts as a big
brother/sister. The interaction works very well.
Next week Zosh receives a "siddur", a Jewish prayer book at a a
big ceremony in
Jerusalem at the Wailing Wall. It is a climax of the school year
which parents not only
attend, but help extensively with decorations and preparations.
I asked Yair's teacher at school if he was still misbehaving. She
acted like she barely
knew what I was talking about, and proceeded to give this lovely
report about how well he
is adjusting and how nicely he gets along etc.
I asked Yair what language people speak to him in school, Hebrew
or English? He responded
that they talk "regular". I asked him in Hebrew if I was speaking
regular, and
he said no; I asked him in English if I was speaking regular and
he said no. I asked him
what his friend Yotam speaks to him, and he said "regular". His
teachers also
speak regular. I imitated a phrase I heard his teacher once say
and he said that was
regular. After a long conversation, I deduced only that "regular"
meant he could
understand it, while English and Hebrew were distinguishable from
each other and from
"regular". I have since asked him questions at every opportunity
whenever I
think it will provide further clarification. I have no real
insight into his thoughts
about this. His teacher says that he understands everything;
that he talks phrases
in Hebrew with an occasional complete sentence; and that his
friends use a combination of Hebrew and hand signals. No one in
his class speaks to him in English. (Zosh, on the
other hand, has one friend that will talk to him in English and
translate once in a rare
Yair has also managed to substitute Hebrew for English grammar, in
the wrong language. For
example, he yelled the other day "get off my pants". He meant that
I should get
them off, not that I was standing on them.
Yona has grown up so much this year, it is quite hard for me to
notice the changes! He was
an infant with 4 teeth when we arrived who could barely crawl. Now
he has 12 teeth, he
almost can run, he dances, he almost talks, and he waves bye bye.
He also participates in
the wrestling matches with his older brothers, and I only thank
God that they enjoy
killing each other while protecting him. The only time he gets any
advantage is in the
morning, since he is up and they are asleep. he seems to get a
kick out of sneaking into
their rooms and waking them up, by a loud squeal, combined with a
big smack on their
heads. He does this to me occasionally and I hate it! He has also
learned to imitate and
tease and spit, traits that will serve him well if he ever appears
on Jerry Springer. He
is a cute kid so we get a LOT of oogles in the street. One
particular time was at the Zoo
where he and a baby monkey were trading punches and squeals at the
glass viewing area. He
seems to have some proto-words, both in Hebrew and English. It is
sad when I think that he
will remember none of this year.
Tax Season
April 15 is coming and I had planned to bag this year's taxes,
apply for an extension, and
file in the summer. Not only is there the overseas difficulty, but
our taxes are
complicated this year by the sabbatical expenses etc. In the end,
I filed electronically
with a few long nights on the internet thanks to Vanguard
Investments, the IRS, and the
state of MA department of revenue web site. It was all finished a
month ago! I love the
communications revolution. The money even goes automatically into
and out of my checking
account for both federal and state returns.
I should warn those of you "do-it-your-selfers" and "like to get
fingers dirty" types, that doing taxes on the Net is not fun. You
do NOT get your
fingers dirty. You must rely a lot on the correctness of the
program you are using, which
is not always justified for subtle issues. For example, once I
entered a value in an
incorrect location. No problem, I just went back to that
electronic page and deleted it.
The problem was that there were other values associated with that
one, which were entered
after it on subsequent pages. I was unable to locate these once I
zeroed the original
value. What is worse, is that the program did not know that these
others should also be
so it did its best to put the numbers some where on the return
with a bizarre abbreviated
explanation. If I hadn't looked really careful at the return the
program prepared and
questioned every line, I would never have thought to go back to
that original page,
reenter $1 instead of zero, and then follow the links to the
subsequent pages to delete
the numbers. Finally, I went back and deleted the $1 and all
looked well.
MA, God love them, rejected my return the first time, because my
claimed wages were not
equal to my W-2 forms. They were in fact greater, I included some
$350 of income that had
not been reported on W-2. You got to wonder what programmer used
"not equals"
instead of "greater than or equal to". In the end I put the amount
on a
different line, and they liked that.
The contrast with what I did 15 years ago is notable. In 1982-3, I
was here teaching and
made what I thought was no taxable income in the US. However, it
turns out that they
changed the rules for certain fellowships that year, and $4000 of
my meager income was
indeed taxable. I found this out, the following year after I
returned and the IRS
"reminded" me. We had a short correspondence after which I
realized they were
right, and I owed them some $256 including interest. Then they
added a $250 penalty, which
after one more letter of explanation, they agreed to wave.
Trips and Outings
This section would end up being a travel guide
for families with
children if I actually made a comprehensive description of the
dozens of things we have
done and seen this holiday (Passover) season. Instead, I will try
to pick a half dozen of
the less boring trips which have some sort of story attached. We
have seen almost every
well known tourist site in the country so these are all for the
most part "off the
beaten track".
Field Schools and National Parks
Field schools here are clean, Spartan pleasant accommodations at
the national parks, that
provide people with lodging, meals, lectures, hikes and a base
We stayed for a Shabbat with friends at the field school Ein Gedi
National Park. This is a
pretty well visited site by natives and tourists alike. It is near
Massada and the Dead
Sea, centered on two big wadis that empty from the southern
Jerusalem area into the Dead
Sea. The most notable thing was how easily our observance of
Shabbat was accommodated. In
the states, there all sorts of issues we would have had to work
out with difficult
explanations, including being able delay check out until after
sunset, being able to pay
for entry to the park before Sabbath, arranging Sabbath meals etc.
At the field school
they were very used to observant people, and routinely
accommodated us. The meals were
attended by mostly secular people, however, the food was kosher
and kosher wine for
rituals was routinely provided. There was even Fri evening and Sat
morning prayers.
We also stayed in Sde Boker Field School, which was quite fancy
for a field school. (There
was even a TV, and the boys and I watched The Simpsons!) Sde
Boker is a remote site
in the Northern Negev desert which has a research facility, a
kibbutz, a small shopping
area, post office, restaurant, high school (remember that high
schools here are like
colleges in US - they are competitive, not local and specialized)
and a guest house. It
was founded by David ben Gurion, the first (and third) prime
minister of Israel, who lived
the last 20 years of life there with his wife, and who is buried
there. His dream was to
populate the Negev, which he thought was beautiful and a held the
key to future growth.
For the most part, his dream is coming true, albeit slowly. One
thing about Israel, which
is ironic, considering the emphasis and fights over land, is how
underpopulated the land
really is. Except for an 8x40 mile strip of land in the Tel Aviv
vicinity, there are no
really dense population areas outside of the major cities. It is
so easy to drive into
emptiness with miles between settlements. There are a dozen
kibbutzim in the Negev and
perhaps a half a dozen cities but for the most part it is barren
desert, used by the army
for training and practice. The hikes at this place and the
previous national park are
wonderful but nothing unusual for people used to hiking.
We stopped at Mizpeh Ramon, which is an even more remote site in
the central Negev. The
small town is situated at the top of the world's largest natural
crater. It is
geologically fascinating and has some nice hikes too. The town has
some other attractions
like an Alpaca ranch where you can go pet these llama-like South
American creatures. I
stayed in the car with the sleeping baby for this, while Andrea
and the boys fed, pet and
got bit by the lovely things. We drove parallel to the Egyptian
border all the way to
Eilat. The border is very quiet since the 15 year long peace
We spent a few days in Eilat doing nearby hikes, taking boat rides
with glass walls to see
the coral, going to a carnival, eating out, and letting the kids
play lots of video games.
Eilat is like a different country. It's main industry is tourism.
It is a duty free area.
There are hundreds of restaurants, although relatively few kosher
ones, and there are over
35 Hotels, for the many visitors.
When we were there, a local water bottling company, even pulled a
stunt by flying a plane
load snow down from Mount Hermon in the north and dumping it on
the main square. The kids
threw a lot of snow balls, one hitting me in the face and camera
after a well planned
photo, as I underestimated Zosh's strength and aim. Eilat is
divided physically into the
town and the tourist town. There is even an airport separating
them. It is a strange mix
of super service and tackiness, with great natural beauty. You can
get a 5 star hotel with
a 5 star meal, and have someone come walking through the
restaurant to give you a coupon
for another restaurant, presumably for the next night?!
Eilat shares the coast of the Gulf of Eilat with a city in Jordan
called Aqaba. Aqaba's
main industry is commerce and its port is very busy in contrast to
Eilat's quiet port.
Eilat gets automobiles and petroleum shipments but Haifa and
Ashdod are much bigger and
busier. Israel gets oil from Egypt as part of the Camp David
agreements, from the wells
that Israel discovered and dug when they occupied Sinai. Israel
can purchase the oil from
these wells at below market prices, for 80 years. Aqaba is
Jordan's only connection to the
sea, and therefore it is humming. Aqaba in contrast has only 1-2
The Gulf of Eilat which is an extension of the Red Sea, has world
class coral reefs, and
plenty of snorkeling, wind surfing and boat rides.
Other Parks on Passover at Maaleh
When my in-laws arrived to visit for Passover,
we took them and the
kids to Park of the Jordan, Sachne, and Hamat Gader. All these
parks in one way or another
have swimming, hiking and special features. In one place, there
are hot springs and
alligators; in another there are Kangaroos to pet and feed with a
labyrinth made of
shrubs; in still another the water is channeled into lots of
little swimming pools. All
these places were close to our base for Passover which was a
kibbutz at the top of the
Gilboa mountains overlooking Beit Shean, a small town on the
Jordanaian border with lots
of Roman ruins. All the places are close to the Jordanian border,
with one being right on
the border itself. There is a super view of the Jordan river from
a high spot in Park of
Jordan, where one can see the whole Lake Kinneret (Sea of
Galilee) and meandering
river with decent flow. Once south of the Kinneret, the Jordan
river slows to a trickle
because of the water usage being so high.
Although the national park in Beit Shean with
the "well cared
for" ruins was closed, a hippodrome in the middle of town was free
and open. We
pulled our rented 9-seater minibus right up to the ramp, and
explored. There was an old
sun bleached sign describing the history and details of the
structure. It was very hard to
read but after a lot of attempts we discovered that it was a fun
place where Roman
gladiators would fight each other or wild beasts... The kids loved
that idea. It was 75
meters across and in pretty good shape for a 2000 year old
stadium. The most interesting
part was finding 3 local kids trying to fan a fire in the
corner of the place where
they were baking potatoes. Their complete obliviousness to their
play area, was completely
parallel to the way the city had not turned its back on this ruin.
Beit Shean has lots of
Roman remains, including pillars and columns sticking up out of
newly built homes.
We stopped one day at a Juggling festival in
the middle of the Bikaa
Valley, on the Jordanian border, near not very much else. It was
the 4th Israeli Juggling
festival, and it was well attended considering its remote
location. Seems they get the
site for cheap, because then the site gets to promote itself as a
great place "to
build a house".
Monasteries and Mosques
We stopped at a the Mosque of Abu Musa (the
Prophet Moses) where you
can see what is supposedly Moses' tomb. The place was built a few
hundred years ago when
the Christians had usurped Jerusalem as the center of religious
activity, and the Moslems
thought that it would be a good idea to compete, by providing a
new holy site a days
travel away near Jericho.
We stopped the same day at a monastery near
Jericho where they had a
floor tiled with a repeating pattern, that popped out like a
3-dimensional Escher print
with stairs seemingly going up and down. It was very funny and
disorienting to see the
occasionally 90 degree rotated tile, which sticks out easily and
brings you back so fast
to two dimensions.
Secret Bullet Factory
The most exciting thing we saw for me, was a
secret bullet factory in
production from 1945-1948. The factory supplied the needs of the
Israeli Hagana, in the
time of the declaration of independence of the state. The British
were still in control,
and if they had found the place, they certainly would have closed
it down and arrested the
50 workers. The factory was located between Rehvot and Nes
Tziyona, on a hill and was
"covered" with a makeshift kibbutz right near the British rail
line, coming out
of Tel Aviv. The reason I liked this so much, is because the place
is right near some
bunks that I lived in almost 20 years ago when I attended a
science program at the
Weizmann Institute of Science. The place was not publicly exposed
until just 10 years ago,
with the secret kept from everyone 40 years longer than necessary.
It is neat to see the
laundry machine swing up and away to reveal the ladder heading
Zoo, Family Restaurants, and the
One local day trip we took was to the Jerusalem
zoo, which is
relatively new and almost world class. It is designed well and the
monkeys were a big
attraction with Yona. Afterwards, we visited a famous old slide in
Kiryat Hayovel, with 3
long slides coming out of the mouth of a monster. It is made of
concrete and I could not
find out much about its history except from the woman sitting next
to me who said she
remembered it from when she had young kids, and she was over 60.
We finished this day by
finding a family restaurant with great service, something I was
afraid did not exist. It
modeled itself on the smoky steak places of the Shuk (market) but
was clean and had good
children's menus etc.
Throughout this month, I must have driven
between 2 and 3 thousand
kilometers along Egyptian, Jordanian and Syrian borders, thorugh
and around almost every
major road in the country. I had previous to this year navigated
this country mainly by
bus, so this experience was worthwhile to me, giving me a feel for
the land from the front
seat. It is not densely populated in most places, and it has a
great variety of natural
beauty for such a small place. The country is not too far off a
rectangle of 300 miles by
40 miles.
Best wishes to all our friends and family,
Shai and family,
Yishuv Alon
Nissan 5759