#10 - July 1999 - Yishuv Alon, Israel
report is the very last one and was never sent to the public.
summarizes the very last month and various other things that would not be
enough for a wider audience.
Yair has
a real girlfriend named Chen. He has
been going to her house after school or vice versa for 2 weeks or more every
single day. She wants to "sleep
with him" and wants him to take a shower at her house. Her mother says that she loves him dearly
but she must remember to tell her when she is coming over, and not just come to
us straight from school which she often does.
She is a sweet girl, from a Sepahrdic dark family, who ironically were
the most active Barak, Israel One supporters on the whole yishuv. Chen is dark with dark brown eyes, and dirty
black hair. She has pidgeon-toed feet,
and some people think she is a little dim.
But I like her and she seems smart enough to understand Yair's pidgeon
Hebrew! Her parents are a bit strict
but loving and she has 3 much older brothers.
routinely now walks around the yishuv on his own, comes back on his own, goes
to friends... This is contrast to the
general advice of taking a gun on any hiking trip.
has finally integrated fairly well into his class. He recently went to a birthday party with Paz, and Lilach and
Renana to Kfar Adoomim altogether, and he did not need or ask one of us to stay
with him. He has 3 real friends in
school, Paz, Lilach and Shlomi. He
learned how to read Hebrew, but not quite as well as most of his class, but he
does fine as expected. Better than all
his class, he has simultaneously learned to read English, by practicing weekly
with us and with Ilana, a South African immigrant who teaches him English 45
minutes, twice a week. He likes her a
lot and vice versa. I think she has
helped him quite a bit more than I could ever have. He went on his first REAL playdate with a boy, when he went to
Shlomi's after school. I was very proud
of him.
He has
since visited Shlomi many times, and Shlomi taught him to ride a bike. He even lent him a bike and a helmet to take
home in a very generous way. I was
proud again of Zosh.
feels that just as the kids really integrate and lose the stigma of newcomers
(after 8 months) it is almost time to head home. Too bad they do not have another year to enjoy the friends they
have made and reap the rewards of their well earned efforts this year.
Hebrew has gotten very good relative to a 5 yr old. Outside of grammar
he can converse fairly well in Hebrew, and improves his vocabulary
continuously. He proudly proclaims in
Hebrew how "Ani YaHol Lehavin Hakhol". He pretty much can. Zosh,
is just as good receptively, but not as forthcoming with his productive language. It is hard to know then just how well he
could talk if he tried all the time.
birthday party in school was quite a ritual.
It went on for more than an hour of songs, dances, rituals, etc where
his friends even lined up to bless him.
Andrea made a castle cake which was well received. He was gleeful. There was a big mural he
drew during the "story", and a scrapbook of picture his friends made
to take home as souveniers. His
gannenet Yafa is really special. Her
helper Ala, thinks Yair is some kind of math genius and has really enjoyed
working with him on math related games.
visited a cool "games" center in Tel Aviv, open free to the public
since 1981. The idea is to promote good
relations between parents and kids, and to help kids learn in a fun
environment. They have most games but
not Go! The games include board games,
fooz-ball, infant toys, dolls etc. It
is located in an old industrial/residential area of Tel Aviv, near the Ayalon,
North of Laguardia.
and I went a hike (w/o a gun) down Wadi kelt and missed the monastery by about
a kilometer or less... It was 3.5 hours total and about 15-18 kilometers
roundtrip. It was lots of fun and a
fitting show of comfort with the "dangers" of the wadi from a long year living at the
top. Since Hagit was killed two years,
many children are not allowed down the wadi by themselves and most people do
not go without a gun. It was
challenging but not very hard, and we downed 750 ml each of freshly squeezed OJ
at the Maayan at the end, served by the resident Romanian caretaker who knew
just enough Hebrew to serve us. We saw
some strange fortifications on cliff outcrops, surrounded by mesh wire and old
mattress skeletons...
and Audrey came to visit us in Alon the 2nd to last Shabbat ---
stayed home for a party, but Gavriel came and we all had a nice relaxing time.
The whole house was available for them since Julie et al had already left.
We took
Shelly, Dov, Gloria and David out to Hyatt buffet -- was a lot of fun and they
appreciated it.
We have
a nice plan waiting to do with the Schacts when they come, and Zosh will
school a week early. A few places we
went with them, we had not done before...
We went with the Shachts to the Old city ramparts. The kids RAN the whole way, and we went from
Shaar Yafo to Shaar Tziyon. We went to
Hof Nitzanim, a pretty beach, and to Kfar Hashmonaim. Kfar Hashmonaim is run by an eccentric named Zohar and is pretty
much a one man show though worthwhile.
We baked pitot and stamped coins, visited caves and old stone homes, ate
mulberries off a tree and fed his jackass.
Nitzanim deserves its reputation as a great beach. The sand is clean and smooth, restaurant is
nice, and the water is really warm
in the summer. Yona was quite brave about it all going up
to his neck and laughing with the waves.
Zosh and Yair played in the water and sand the whole time.
finished up at the university by saying goodbye to everybody, printing out my
last paper, taking some pictures of Ima and Yona on campus, seeing Raima,
Lucia, Avinoam, and leaving copies of the paper with Tzvi and Avinoam. I shared my last lunch of shnitzel ala usual
with Andrea and Yona.
My talk
at JCT went very well, and was uneventful.
I met Prof Domb, editor of a Journal on Torah and Scholarship who
solicited a promise from me to write an article.
My work
turned out a success this year. In the
end, I published (sent out at this point) 5 papers.
1-2. Historia Mathematica -- A critical edition
3. Math
teacher -- Gems (final version pending)
4. BDD -- The Mathematics of Ralbag.
Kluwer -- with Tzvi, on Square roots and Cube roots of Ralbag and Ibn Ezra.
worked very steadily all year with special ardor in the months Jan-March. April - June have been more leisurely and
recovery time and taking stock. Still
two of the five papers were finished in this later period and revisions on the
real serious HM papers were done.
packed up my office for the most part as Julie gave away the office furniture
and ordered new closets which will be put in soon. I have all but finished my work here except for the talk at Mahon
Lev in mid month so I am glad to put everything away. I gave a lot of my stuff away, Mankala, maps and a science book
to the Calbo's (who lent us the car seat all year), my black paper clip dop-kit
to Paz who I like so much. She has been
a super friend to Zosh, something he needed greatly, and she is a very sweet girl. She sometimes gets nervous at field trips,
and cries about her tummy maybe hurting and noone around to help her... but I
hope one day she comes to visit Zosh again.
I would be very happy if Zosh found a wife like her, despite the Hiloni
I have
been indulging a passion/addiction/pleasure of a subscription to OKBridge and
playing a LOT. Maybe average 3-4 hours
a day for the last 2-3 months of our stay.
I still have gotten my work done (the demand was less after the big
paper was finished), and I still get my share of the work around the house
done, but I have been neglectful of myself and family because of it.... Nevertheless it has been a reward to myself
for a year of hard work and a job well done.
I still
read Torah a lot, and people seem to appreciate it. If we were interested in moving here through the back door, that
skill would certainly help us out.
trying to run, sometimes while pushing the baby Yona in stroller. Andrea and I are about even so the run is at
least good company, but I need to keep practicing to get back in shape after a
year of terminal watching.
are out of here in 1 week, and the Schachts here in two. It all ends very quickly.
I saw
M. Kellner last week in Haifa; was
uneventful and fun mainly to see the ugly tower on top of Haifa Univ.'s
campus. He was engaging and
pleasant. He told me of his own history
of aliyah and how his wife was a reluctant by loving partner.
and I have been spending this last month or two trying to study through all the
Neviim Rishonim, from Yehoshua through Melachim II. We are half way done, and it is very fascinating and exciting
both as historical and tragic literature as well as Biblical study with the
Geography coming alive as we live in the midst of these ancient places. This stuff is an automatic super teach for
kids... I am amazed and appalled that
it is not taught more freely in the US day schools.
Julie and co. left, the house is bigger quieter more lonely and harder to keep
clean. I have become happier and more
used to a simple life with fewer possessions.
the yishuv has a weekly newsletter, important announcements are posted on the
entry gate, where they are spread word of mouth around the yishuv and are well
known by all, long before they appear at the end of the week in the
newsletter. For example, the decision
to have a Rabbi come on a year trial was made and he will be paid half salary
as well as have his caravan paid for the year, so his housing expenses are
covered. He had come as a guest on
Shavuot and gave a talk about the "role" of a Rabbi in a mixed
yishuv... I suppose it was well received... To me he seemed completely mediocre
and unnecessary albeit a fine man...
just goes to show how much some people feel a need (zakuk) for spiritual
Today I
saw some folks in the wadi by the road, filming a movie with a Jesus look alike
walking up the road in a white robe.
Further up the road, some camels hung around all day.
recently -- lots of Jet movements and tank maneuvers...
A boy,
Tsuki, son of Menachem and Dina Freed, was Bar Mitzvah, on Monday this
week. He read beautifully from Torah,
was tenth for a minyan, which has suffered for a tenth all year, and was modest
and nonchalant.
We had
a special good bye day for Zosh in school on his last day. He was very excited. The class spur of the moment tried
unsuccessfully to lift Zosh on their shoulders. This resulted in everyone falling down laughing. The class presented him with stickers and
with a book of drawings they had done.
him blessings in a mildly self conscious manner. Zosh hung on my fingers while they did this. His teacher Nitzanit took a picture with
him, and he seemed truly sad to say goodbye.
This follows up his writing "I wsh I cud sta in Jrshlm" for
his English teacher Ilana, whom he loves dearly. We gave the kids rulers and cookies and candy and mitz petel.
brought his whole class to our apt where we gave out snacks and toys to each
kid. The boys were generous about
giving away all their little zoo animals one to each kid, but they cant bring it all home and they
knew that. Yair and Zosh had really
integrated by the end, and it was wonderful to see.
Torah reading day, I read PinHas, and got shlishi aliyah. Worked out final heshbon with Hezi and
kindly was offered the last milk by Doron Ben David, when he sensed that
perhaps I had no milk in the house.
last minyan day was the hardest ever to get a minyan, we finally got 10 at 6:40! This is very late, when minyan is supposed
to start at 6, and typically we get a minyan by 6:20. I gave my skinny pants to David Lax, who was happy to take them. I said goodbye to the Makolet. The kids made
it to minyan at the end on their last day, in time for chocolate milk.
We will
do one last Kef Tzu-Ba while Andrea and I deliver the bags, and then we join
Charlie et al for last good-byes, and off to the airport for a late (1am)
and family,