CS 399 Software Performance Engineering Software performance engineering is not directly concerned with high performance applications for supercomputers, rather it is concerned with the development of ordinary software that meets or exceeds performance expectations. Students will learn about: performance requirements, performance modeling, performance analysis, workloads, and resource analysis. Lectures will be reinforced with projects where students will gain first hand experience identifying, correcting, and preventing performance problems. Students work in teams on a final project developing a web server application that scales to thousands of users. |
Reference Books on Reserve at MacPhaidin Library:
Online References
Introduction/Motivation (1 Week)
Performance Modeling/Queuing Theory (4 Weeks)
Resource Analysis (1 Week)
Algorithms (2 Weeks)
Database Performance (1 Week)
Web Programming (2 Weeks)
Load Generation (1 Week)
Seminal Papers (2 Weeks)
Antipatterns (1 Week)
Course Logistics:
Lectures are held M,W 4:00-5:15 in Stanger 308.
Office hours are M,W 5:15-6:00 and T,TH 11:15 - 12:15 in Stanger 206. Other times available by appointment
The Lab - Stanger 308:Many of the homeworks and projects will require you to work in the lab located in Stanger 308 because you'll need access to the VC++ Compiler, ORACLE, and ASP. The lab is open from 8AM to 12AM during the week. During some of that time the lab is used as a classroom. You can find the schedule for Spring 2003 here. Also, the lab is occasionally reserved for a special meeting (this is rare). During the weekends and holidays the lab is normally closed but you can still gain access.
If you arrive at Stanger and the lab is closed, you can call campus police at x5555 and tell them that you are taking the CS399 Software Performance Engineering course and that you are on a list of students allowed access to the lab.
Grading Policy:
Your grade will be based on the following evaluations:
Evaluation | Weight | Mean | StdDev |
Projects |
75 |
1 February 10, 2003
Results of Project New Web Site |
(10) | 8.8 | 1.2 |
Project 2 February 26, 2003 |
(10) | 8.6 | 1.2 |
Project 3 March 31, 2003 | (5) | 4.9 | .33 |
Project 4 April 23, 2003 | (10) | 8.2 | 1.2 |
Project 5 May 7, 2003 | (25) | 19.14 | 3.75 |
Mid-Term Exam, Solution Wed March 5, 2003 4PM C308 |
15 | 13.3 | 1.6 |
Class Participation | 10 | 9.88 | 0.33 |
TOTAL | 100 | 70.45 | 10.54 |
Late Work
Homework will be turned in at the beginning of class on the day they are due.
Late homeworks will not be accepted. This policy is firm because homework solutions
will be handed out on the due day.
Projects are due at 11:59:59 PM, on the due date. Late projects will be accepted with a penalty of 10% per day for 3 days. After that, the project will not be accepted.
Exams are to be taken at the specified date and time. If you miss the exam, you will receive a 0.
Sometimes things happen. If there are circumstances that prevent you from meeting your obligations for this course, you need to talk to me to make arrangements IN ADVANCE.
Dropping the Course
I want you to stay in the course! Please talk to me before you decide to drop.
Contact Bob
office: Stanger 206
office hours: M/W 11:15-12:15 T/TH 5:15-6:00
phone: 508-565-1682
e-mail: bdugan@stonehill.edu