Mathematical Experiments in Computer Science
Professor Shai Simonson
Text Compression and Huffman Trees
Data compression is a technique which reduces
the size of a file or data collection without affecting the
information contained in the file. A
compressed file, obviously, requires less storage space. Moreover, electronic transfer of a
compressed file is faster than the transfer of an
uncompressed file and a smaller file is consequently less
susceptible to transmission errors.
This lab is a about lossless data
compression. See
Lossless compression means that we are storing all
the data; we are simply doing it with fewer bits.
Sometimes when we compress audio or
video, we purposely store only part of the data;
that is called lossy compression. For example,
JPEG images are lossy while GIF images are lossless.
There are two major algorithms for lossless compression:
Huffman Encoding and Ziv-Lempel Compression.
This chapter
compares the two. There are advantages and
disadvantages of each algorithm. In this LC, you work only
with Huffman. Indeed, you will mathematically prove that
Huffman encoding is, in "some sense", the best one can do.
Nonetheless, Ziv-Lempel is often the go-to choice nowadays for
reasons discussed in the chapter above. The rest of this
lab will concentrate on Huffman.
Here is a full
example showing the tree being built from the
priority queue.
The priority queue is minimum queue stored as a sorted
linked list. Here is one
way to build the skeleton
of the BinaryTree class.
Notice how at each step
in the algorithm:
Using the Huffman tree to determine
the codewords.
Once the Huffman tree is created, it is easy to determine
the codeword for each character.
Method 1: Bottom Up
As we’ve seen, each leaf represents one character. If we begin at a leaf and proceed up
ttree to the root, we can “trace out” (in
reverse) the codeword for a given symbol:
For each leaf a
while a is not the root of
the tree
if a is a left subtree
output ‘1’
a = parent(a)
Notice that the algorithm will output
codewords in reverse order.
Let a be leaf “ -.”
a is a right subtree; output ‘1’
a = parent(a)
a is a left subtree; output ‘0’
a = parent(a)
a is a left subtree; output ‘0’
a = parent(a)
a is the root; done
Output: 100; codeword for “-“ is 001
Method 2 : Top Down -- this is easier
An ordinary, recursive tree traversal with an additional
parameter can also be used to determine the codewords:
void traverse(string s, tree root)
Each time that the function is called recursively, pass it
string s concatenated with either
‘0’ or ‘1.’ When visiting a leaf, simply output string s – s is the codeword for character
associated with the leaf.
Encoding the file:
Simply translate each character using a table of codewords:
Translate: “SHE-SELLS.......”
S H E -
Decoding a compressed file:
When decoding a compressed file, you will once again use the
Huffman tree. Consequently, the frequency table must once again
be available. When the tree is
constructed, the text characters are stored in the leaves. Each codeword, determines a unique
path from the root of the tree to to the leaf holding the
translation of the code word. Once
we reach a leaf, we begin the decoding process again at the
Example: Decode : 0100011.....
Begin at the root:
0100011 – move left
0100011 – move
A leaf—“S” (01 is the codeword
for S)
Go back to the root and continue the process.
0100011 etc.
Exercise 2:
a. Construct a Huffman
tree for the alphabet A B C D E F where the relative frequencies
of each character are:
b. Use
the tree to determine the code word for each of the character of
this short alphabet
Encode the string “AECBCAF”
Program 1. Encoding
a text file.
Write a program which will encode a text
file using the Huffman algorithm.
The user interface should be very simple.
Just provide the user with two prompts:
Input file:
Output file:
so that the user may supply the
name of the input (text) file as well as a name for the
compressed file. Your output should
actually be two files : the compressed file, and also a file with the frequency table . This second file should have the same
name as the compressed file and an extension of feq. For example if the compressed file is called then the second file should be something.feq
To encode text using a Huffman code you must
build a frequency chart for all characters in your text
Build a Huffman
Make a list of
all codewords
Using the list of
codewords, encode your text.
Here are a few suggestions to help you with the implementation.
If you read the file a line at a time, you need to add \n into
the compressed file yourself after each line, because the read
method will not include the line feed.
Since ASCII values fall in the range 0
...127, use a simple array (int freq[128]) to store frequencies.
For example, if 'A'
has frequency 13, then freq[65] will have
the value 13. Of course, not all ASCII characters will appear in
your text, so many entries in the frequency array will be 0.
When you build the Huffman tree, you must make a number of
design decisions.
As you know, the algorithm builds the tree incrementally. At each step, the sub-trees with
minimum roots must be chosen. The
simplest method for determining the these two minimum valued
trees would be to use a priority queue. Do not download Ralph's generic priority
queue. Instead, build your own priority queue of trees,
and create a class of trees made of Nodes each of which has
character, an integer, and two pointers to Nodes.
If you plan to build your table of
codewords in a bottom up fashion, you
will need to maintain a table which holds the address of each
leaf on the tree. Also, each node
must contain the address of its parent. The top down
method is easier and is really just an inorder traversal which
keeps track of the codewords as you do the traversal.
Simply keep the codewords in an array indexed from 0 to 127 so
that you may access the a character’s codeword directly, i.e.,
without a search. Save your
frequency table to a file – simply list the 128 frequencies in
the array.
2: Decoding a compressed file.
Write a program which will decode a
compressed file. Your program will need to use the tree and the
codewords that you built in Program 1, which had access to the
original uncompressed text. The easiest way is to read
through the bits of the compressed text one bit at a time and
simultaneously traverse the tree. With each movement on
the tree, check to see if you have reached a leaf, and if so,
add the character in that node to the decompressed text.
Your program should prompt
the user for two file names:
Text file:
If the name of the compressed file is,
your program should use that file and also the file something.feq
as input.
Exercise 3:
Use the programs in the previous
exercises to compress( and decode)
a. The
Declaration of Independence
b. The
US Constitution
c. Shakespeare’s Hamlet
The text of these files can be downloaded.
Program 3: Real Life Compression
For convenience, Program
1 encoded your text into characters (bytes), with each
byte equal to either ‘0’ or ‘1’. However,
storing each bit in its own byte will result in a file 8 times
larger than it needs to be. In order to realize the true
"real-life"compression, you must convert the bytes into
bits. To do this, every eight '0' or '1' characters
(bytes) is packed into a single byte. Pseudo-code to
accomplish this is given below:
While there are more 0/1 characters (bytes)
byte temp = 0;
for i = 1 to 8 //
This loop calculates the decimal value of 8 zeros and ones
and stores it in temp. If the number of bytes
in the file is not divisible by 8, just pad the file with a
few extra bytes.
b =
getnext_0_or_1_character(); // get the next bit (stored
in a byte)
temp = temp* 2 +
// note that b
should be 0 or 1 (not the ascii value of b which would be 48
or 49)
// Note that to
do this correctly in Java, you will need to cast the
expressions to bytes, since Java automatically up-casts bytes
to int when doing arithmetic
// store temp in a byte array or just print
the byte to a file directly with PrintWriter
For example, given the bits 10010011,
the byte "temp" grows from 0 like this: 0, 1, 2, 4, 9, 18, 36,
73, 147.
These numbers represent the decimal value of the 8-bit
binary number 10010011 as it grows from left to right.
(Note that Java stores byte values as two's complement signed
numbers, so if you try to print out these bytes, it will display
negative numbers for any unsigned value greater than 127.
For example, 147 will display in Java as -109. This will not
affect your compression at all.)
File outputFile = new File(filename);//for compressed encoding // Thanks to Tiziana
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(outputFile);//zipped file pw
for(int i=0;i<myByteArray.length;i++)
Here is a way to write a byte array to a file in Python.
Alternatively, you can print the bytes directly to a file, without storing them in a byte array. Here is a way to do this in Java.
Compete the following chart:
file |
or any commercial compressor |
Huffman |
of Independence |
Constitution |
Hamlet |
You do not need to write any programs to
find these values. You can get all
this information via Windows and Word.
Huffman Codes—mathematical questions.
Now that we have looked at the
Huffman algorithm, let’s take a closer look at some of the
mathematical properties of a Huffman tree.
Exercise 4:
We have stated that the Huffman’s Algorithm produces a code with
the prefix property. Explain why
this is the case. You do not have
to give a rigorous mathematical proof—just think about how the
tree is constructed and give a plausible explanation. A few sentences will suffice.
Optimal codes
We have stated the the Huffman code is
“optimal” so perhaps it is now time to give a more
precise definition of this term.
We first begin by defining the cost of the code or equivalently
the tree.
Definition. Suppose T
is a tree representing a prefix code for a file.
The cost of T, C(T), is
the number of bits necessary to encode the file.
C(T) = Sum[
frequency(c)*length(c)] for each character c
where length(c) is the length of the path from the root
of T to the leaf representing c.
Note: length(c) is also the number of bits in the
codeword for character c.
Consider the following Huffman tree, T which we built to encode
the message “SHE-SELLS-SEA-SHELLS”
C(T) = frequency(‘A’)length(‘A’)+ frequency(‘H’)length(‘H’)
frequency(‘E’)length(‘E’)+ frequency(‘L’)length(‘L’) =
1*4 + 2*4+3*3 + 6*2 + 4*2 + 4*2 = 4
+ 8 + 9 + 12 + 8 +8 = 49
Definition. Suppose
T is a tree representing a prefix code for a file.
The code is optimal if C(T)
is minimal.
Note an optimal code is not unique – for a given file more than
one optimal code may exist. (Trivially, just change all 0’s to
1’s and 1’s to 0’s in any optimal code and you have another
optimal code).
With a precise definition of "optimal" in hand, we will prove
(in the next several exercises) that a Huffman tree is optimal.
Exercise 5:
A full binary tree is a binary tree in
which ever non-leaf node has two children.
Notice that the Huffman trees in our examples have been full
Prove: An optimal prefix code for a
file is always represented by a full binary tree
Hint: Suppose there is a non-full
tree that did represent an optimal code. Find
contradiction by producing a better code.
Exercise 6:
Show by means of a counter example that a
full binary tree may represent a prefix code which is not
optimal, even if all the letters with lower frequencies have
longer codewords.
Suggestion: Build another full tree for “SHE-SELLS-SEA-SHELLS”
which has a higher cost than the tree of our previous examples.
Exercise 7:
(skip this year)
Let x and y be two characters with the lowest frequencies.
(Arbitrarily, assume frequency(x) <= frequency(y)). Prove that there is an optimal tree
where x and y are siblings at the
maximum depth of the tree.
Assume that you have an optimal prefix tree, T, such that a and b are at the maximum depth.
(You can assume frequency (a) <=
frequency(b)). Here is a partial
Now, because x and y have the two smallest frequencies
frequency(x) <= frequency(a) and frequency(y) <=
frequency(b). Also, length(a)
>= length(x) and length(b) >= length(y).
Now switch a and x, resulting in a new tree T’.
Show C(T’) <= C(T)?. Now, in T’,
switch y and b. Show C(T’’)
<= C(T’)?
Exercise 8: (skip this year)
Prove that Huffman’s algorithm produces an optimal prefix
code tree.
Outline of proof: Use mathematical induction on n, the
number of characters/leaves.
For n = 1, Huffman’s algorithm produces a tree with one
node, obviously optimal.
Now assume that for n leaves, Huffman’s algorithm
produces an optimal tree. Show that Huffman’s algorithm
produces an optimal tree for n+1 leaves.
Let Tn+1 be an optimal tree with n+1
leaves. We may assume that in an optimal tree the two
characters, say x and y, with the lowest
frequencies are siblings at the lowest level of the tree. (Why
may we assume that?). Now remove x
and y and replace them with a “new character z
with frequency(z) = frequency(x) + frequency(y). Call the new tree Tn. Let T’n be the Huffman tree constructed from these n
characters Now finish the
Exercise 9:
The Huffman tree for frequencies equal to the
first n Fibonacci numbers results in a very
unbalanced encoding of n characters.
Suppose that the frequencies for the characters a, b, c, d, e, f, g, and
h are the first 8 Fibonacci numbers: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,and 21.
Construct the Huffman tree.
You found the cost for n = 8. Now you should
determine the general cost of the Huffman tree for n
characters when the frequencies are the first n
Fibonacci numbers.
a. Discover a
formula for the sum of the first n Fibonacci numbers,
and prove it by induction..
Fill in this chart to help you get a good conjecture. Hint: Look at Fibonacci(n + 2).
n |
Fibonacci(n) |
SumFib(n) = Fibonacci(1) +
Fibonacci(2) + ... + Fibonacci(n) |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
2 |
4 |
4 |
3 |
7 |
5 |
5 |
6 |
8 |
7 |
13 |
8 |
21 |
9 |
34 |
b. Prove that C(n) = C(n-1) + SumFib(n), where C(1) = 0.
You can prove this by looking carefully
at the structure of the tree. Draw the trees. The
next tree is built inductively from the previous tree.
Fill in this chart to help you with your
proof. Hint: Line up the sums in the chart,
and examine the difference between two rows.
n |
Fibonacci(n) |
C(n) = Cost of Huffman tree for the
first n Fibonacci numbers |
1 |
1 |
0*1 = 0 |
2 |
1 |
1*1 + 1*1 = 2 |
3 |
2 |
2*1 + 2*1 + 1*2 = 6 |
4 |
3 |
3*1 + 3*1 + 2*2 + 1*3 = 13 |
5 |
5 |
6 |
8 |
7 |
13 |
8 |
21 |
9 |
34 |