Lectures: MW 11:30 - 12:45, Room 001 Stanger
Instructor: Professor Shai Simonson Office: 306 Stanger
Phone: x-1008 (Voice mail). E-mail: shai@stonehill.edu
Home Page: http://www.stonehill.edu/academics/compsci/shai.htm
Office Hours: MTWTh 1-2, or by appointment.
Texts: Journey Through Genius, William Dunham
Puzzles, Mazes and Numbers, Snape and Scott
Course Goals:
To appreciate mathematics as an art form with its own place in
the history of human development.
Examinations and Assignments:
There will be 1 midterm exam and 1 final exam, each worth 100
points. There will be bi-weekly problem sets which will be done
partly in class and partly at home. These, combined with your
class participation are worth 150 points. You will always have
the opportunity to rewrite any assignment or take-home exam, with
your final grade being the average of your original and the rewrite.
All assignments are done in groups of two or three people who
will work together the whole semester. Everyone in each group
gets the same credit. The idea is to promote discussion and experimentation
in problem solving. If you cannot find a group yourself, I will
find one for you.
Each group must make a 30 minute presentation on a particular
mathematical topic. The class is responsible for material presented
in these groups. I will give you plenty of help in organizing
materials, choosing topics, and preparing an appropriate interactive
session. A 5-10 page paper about your topic and your experiences
researching it, should be submitted by the end of the semester.
Your group should meet with me individually by the midterm to
choose a topic, and then periodically afterward for discussions
and progress reports. You should submit a first draft of your
paper before your presentation and a final draft anytime afterwards.
The presentations will be given during the last 3-4 weeks of
class. The presentation and paper are worth 150 points.
Your grade will depend on the total number of points that you
accumulate on your examinations and assignments, and on your class
participation. You can guarantee yourself a certain grade by reaching
a certain total score out of the 500 point maximum, (e.g. 450
points guarantees you an A, 400 points, a B, etc.). These cutoffs
may be lowered based on the curve for the class, but they will
NOT be raised. This is to your advantage.
Academic Honesty:
There is never an excuse for cheating or plagiarism. If you feel
that are losing it, then please see me as soon as you can. I
will try and help with any difficulties you experience during
the semester with regard to techincal material, group dynamics
or personal issues. If it is determined by me that anyone has
acted without academic honesty and integrity, then they will get
no credit for that particular work. If a second incident occurs,
then they will receive an F for the course, and the incident will
be reported to the dean who will decide on any further discipline.