HOW TO USE TAR FILE - download to your local machine - use scp to copy tar file from your local machine to your virtual machine: scp -i ~/stonehillcs.pem helloweb.tar ubuntu@ - logon to your virtual machine and use the tar command: ubuntu@ip-172-31-4-207:/student/csc324$ tar -xvf helloweb.tar - cd to the tar'd file directory ubuntu@ip-172-31-4-207:/student/csc324$ cd helloweb/ HOW TO RUN WEB APPLICATION - use chmod to make the python web application programs executable by your browser: ubuntu@ip-172-31-4-207:/student/csc324/helloweb$ chmod a+x *.py ubuntu@ip-172-31-4-207:/student/csc324/helloweb$ python3 -m http.server --cgi - access the python web application from your local machine's web browser: SOME IMPORTANT NOTES 1 - if you add a new .py file you must: - add this line to the top of the file: #!/usr/bin/env python3 - add the file to the cgi-bin directory - run chmod a+x *.py again 2 - if you want to access a non-py file from the browser (e.g. html, css, image), you must create a subdirectory under the *.py directory. For example: mkdir html cd html emacs index.html After you have edited the html file you will be able to access it like this: