// This program demonstrates the use of a PROGRAMMER DEFINED 
// FUNCTION.  A function is like a mini-program.
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

double total_cost(int number_par, double price_par);
// Computes total cost including sales tax on number_par
// items at cost of price_par each.

int main(void)
	double price  = 0.0;
	double bill   = 0.0;
	int    number = 0;
	cout << "Number items: ";
	cin  >> number;
	cout << "Price per item: ";
	cin  >> price;
	// This is exactly like calling a predefined function for 
	// example pow(2.0,3.0) or sqrt(4.0).  The only difference is
	// that YOU have to write the code for the function.
	bill = total_cost(number,price);
	cout << number << " items at $"
	     << price  << " each." << endl
	     << "Final bill including tax $" << bill << endl;
	return 0;

// Here's the function definition!  Think of a function like a 
// mini-program.  The INPUT to the function is provided by the 
// parameters passed into the function from the caller.  The
// OUTPUT from the function provided to the caller when the 
// function executes a RETURN statement.
double total_cost(int number_par, double price_par)
	const double TAX_RATE = 0.05;
	double result =0.0;
	// Compute the subtotal.  Notice that I'm using
	// the parameters passed into the function by the 
	// caller to compute this value.
	result = number_par * price_par;
	// Compute the total price.  That's the subtotal plus
	// tax on the subtotal
	result = result + result*TAX_RATE;
	// Return the total price to the caller
	return result;