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CS 102 Basic Programming
- easy to learn for the novice In the beginning of the course, you will learn about the basics of programming like variables, control execution, events, and visual programming. In a short amount of time you will be able to create interesting graphical programs. As the course progresses, you will learn more programming skills including how to connect your programs to databases and the web. By the end of the course you will be amazed at your ability to create powerful, graphical, and useful programs. You will have gained important insight into what programming is and how programmers think. This insight will help you in any career that uses computer technology. |
Syllabus (tentative):
Course Logistics:
Lectures are held Tu,Th 1:00-2:15 in Stanger 308.
The Lab - Stanger 308:
Technically, you don't need to use the lab because you can install Visual Studio .NET on your own computer at home. However, working up in the lab on these programming assignments is a great way to meet other people in the course, ask me questions if I'm arround, and get to know the TAs.. The lab is open from 8AM to 12AM during the week. During some of that time the lab is used as a classroom. You can find the schedule for here. Also, the lab is occasionally reserved for a special meeting (this is rare). During the weekends and holidays the lab is normally closed but you can still gain access.
If you arrive at Stanger and the lab is closed, you can call campus police at x5555 and tell them that you are taking this course and that you are on a list of students allowed access to the lab.
Grading Policy:
Click here
to find out how I compute your grade. All homeworks, programs and
quizzes have the same weight.
Evaluation | Weight | Raw (Max) | Due | Mean | StdDev |
Homeworks, Programs & Quizzes |
40% | ||||
Homework #0 |
09/11/07 | |||
Homework #1 |
09/13/07 | |||
Homework #2 [A, B, C] |
09/27/07 | |||
Homework #3 |
10/04/07 | |||
Homework #4 |
10/12/07 | |||
Homework #5 |
10/19/07 | |||
Homework #6 |
10/24/07 | |||
Homework #7 |
11/02/07 | |||
Homework #8 |
11/09/07 | |||
Homework #9 |
11/16/07 | |||
Homework #10 |
11/30/07 | |||
Homework #11 |
12/11/07 | |||
Course Reading [questions] |
11/20/07 | |||
Course Reading [essay] |
12/04/07 | |||
10% | 12/17/07 | ||||
Mid Term Exam |
25% | ||||
Final Exam 12/17/07 @ 9:00 |
25% | ||||
TOTAL | 100 |
Grading programming assigments:
All Programming assignments will be graded on an 8 point scale:
a. Two points will be given for program clarity, efficiency, and
b. Each program will be tested on three data sets. Two points will be
given for each correct run of the program.
c. Two points will be deducted for each day a program is late.
d. Programs which do not compile and run will receive no points
Homework will be turned in at the beginning of class on the day they are due. Late homeworks will not be accepted. This policy is firm because homework solutions will be handed out on the due day.
Two points will be deducted for each day a program is late.
Exams are to be taken at the specified date and time. If you miss the exam, you will receive a 0.
Sometimes things happen. If there are circumstances that prevent you from meeting your obligations for this course, you need to talk to me to make arrangements IN ADVANCE.
Dropping the Course
I want you to stay in the course! Please talk to me before you decide
to drop.
Getting Help: